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About Us

rugby & beer: the unlikely beginnings

Co-founder Morris moved from UK to Italy in 2010 and joined the local rugby team shortly after. It was there that he met Andrea and they quickly became friends over a joint passion for rugby and beer. On a visit to a beer festival in Belgium, they discussed the idea of brewing beer together. Andrea has worked his entire life in vineyards but the idea of independent micro-breweries, offering experimental beer styles and changing the status quo of how companies are run, in particular by promoting sustainability and giving back to society was appealing to him. In general, wine production companies are the opposite of this with MNEs dominating the sector, with the majority them putting quantity and profits over quality. It was then we had our lightbulb moment. Why don't we take a unique approach to wine production as the independent breweries do?

That's how Attimo was born and why it is our mission to produce wine in a unique way.


An Englishman in Italy.
Having worked for many years in the corporate world honing his skills in Sales, Marketing and Management, Morris has applied this to Attimo. He can often be found in the vineyard helping out with the production and at events in UK.


He grew up on a vineyard and has worked his entire life perfecting the art of producing wine. A 3rd level Sommelier and the person responsible for all the production of our wines.

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We're busy bottling for you

We sold out of all our wine from the 2021 harvest and we're finishing up the bottling from the 2022 harvest now.

Sign up to our mailing list so we can tell you when the bottles are ready.

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